By Rev. Dr. Charity Roberson What does it look like to build a life that honors what really matters to me? Does how I spend my time reflect what I say I value? Does my ministry reflect what I say I value? After Elijah’s triumphant moment on Mount Carmel and a sign...
New Lilly Endowment Inc. Grant Awarded to the Center
In the spring of 2019, The Center for Congregational Health received an invitation from the Lilly Endowment to apply for a grant as part of a new initiative they are calling "Thriving Congregations." Immediately, we began work researching this topic and soliciting...
What’s the BIG DEAL with coach training?
by Beth Kennett I regularly hear questions about coach training--Why are so many people becoming coaches? Why is coach training popping up in so many places? What makes your coach training any different from anybody else's? What is the big deal with becoming a...
The Interdenominational Theological Center Graduating Class of 2019!
Recently, was the time of year that graduation ceremonies are held at schools across the nation. Two members of the Center for Congregational Health’s faculty, Dr. Marvin L. Morgan and Dr. B. Leslie Robinson, Jr., celebrated the completion of their work with students...
Sirens and Warning Signs
One morning on my drive into work, I was in traffic, on the interstate, that was inching along—three lanes in each direction, barely moving. I heard a siren in the distance, I looked in my rear-view mirror, I could not see lights flashing and I noticed that no one...
Are you thriving in ministry?
As you may have heard at the end of last year, we announced that the Wake Forest University School of Divinity, in partnership with Center for Congregational Health, was awarded a significant grant from the Lilly endowment. The money was given to support a new project...
A Look Ahead at 2019
2019 is quickly approaching and is bringing with it many opportunities. In the coming year, we will continue to offer: Consulting, coaching and guidance for interim ministry for congregations, clergy and judicatories. The Association for Intentional Interim Ministry...
A Look Back at 2018
Over the past year, at the Center for Congregational Health, we have experienced many changes, some that were natural and easy and some that were unanticipated and arduous. Les Robinson, frequently says that congregations are in a state of continuous change. We see...
Book Review by Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Morgan
THOMPSON, GEORGE B., JR. (2001). How to Get Along with Your Church: Creating Cultural Capital for Doing Ministry. The Pilgrim Press, 700 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-1100; 151 pages in Paper Back Edition Prominently portrayed on the front cover of George B....
WHAT’S YOUR PLAN? For Increasing Financial Stewardship in your Church
In congregations with generous giving, leaders plan for the stewardship results they want, and need. Last years’ and last minute ideas thrown into a jumbled mix are rarely successful and can be damaging not only for one year, but for years to come. Stewardship teams...