
It’s time for action, but what action?

The latest research from the ongoing, multi-year, Hartford Institute study on American congregational life (FACT, 2015) confirms what most people involved in the life of a church already know. Most American congregations find themselves in a challenging situation:...

Do you need a church consultant?

by Rev. Chris Gambill, Ph.D. Fall is one of the seasons when the Center for Congregational Health staff typically sees an uptick in calls inquiring about church consulting. While it is often congregational conflict that prompts a call, there are many other situations...

November 9, 2016

by Beth Kennett Today, the Church—and any community that encourages belonging, love and acceptance—has an opportunity to boldly step into the present and lead the way into the future. Today, I embrace this idea more strongly than other days. Today, our nation, with...

Appreciative Inquiry–What is it?

Definitions of Appreciative Inquiry as shared on Appreciative Inquiry Commons at   “Appreciative Inquiry is the cooperative search for the best in people, their organizations, and the world around them. It involves systematic discover of...

What does the “Next” Church look like?

Over the past week, I have been involved in several conversations about the church of the future, or the “next” church.  People usually approach this conversation from one of two perspectives—either, fear and concern for the future of the Church, especially the...


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