From CTPastors Fours Church Leaders Weigh In A PRE-CHRISTENDOM CHURCH, Claude Alexander, senior pastor of The Park Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. What we call post-Christian culture strikingly resembles the pre-Christendom era—before Constantine, when the church...
From Perspectives By Susan Nienaber This morning as I was driving to one of the churches in my district I listened to the radio to get caught up on the news. It was all about President Trump’s tweets regarding the NFL and the National Anthem, escalating tensions with...
By John Wimberly As an advocate for using teams to carry out the work of a congregation and for eliminating as many committees as possible, I often get phone calls like this: “John, we read your book and decided to move from a committee-driven to a team-driven...
By Steve Austin “Only those who recognize the extent of their wounds and their wounding can be made well.” – Rachel Held Evans, Searching for Sunday I’m a 30-something Millennial, and a former pastor. Most folks would assume that combination would make me pretty...
From Christian Century By Winn Collier Hank Pierce and Amy Quitman were neighbors on Rural Route 28. Their mailboxes shared a weathered post at the end of the gravel lane. This seemed fitting, since their families also shared a weathered pew at Granby Presbyterian...