Since our beginning, the Center for Congregational Health has worked with churches in transition. We have trained clergy to be interim supply pastors, to be present with a congregation to fulfill pastoral responsibilities in the time between pastors; we have trained...
Navigating Pastoral Transitions in the Church
Change is hard for most of us. It is a leaving behind of what we have known and moving forward to something new. There is always a space of not knowing, a space of transition. Like a trapeze artist who is leaving one bar before they grab the next. Transition can feel...
The Differences in Our Trainings
The Center for Congregational Health has always consulted with congregations to gain clarity for strategic planning and visioning, helping churches through conflict, etc. But a critical portion of our work has always been quality, research and experience-based...
Happenings at the Center for Congregational Health
It is July! It is a very hot July! At the Center for Congregational Health, we hope that you are finding ways to safely be present in the places where you are, to replenish and renew and not feel devastated by the heat or the climate in which you live. This month,...
Apply Today for Consulting Underwritten by Grant
The Center for Congregational Health has been working with congregations for over thirty years helping congregations and their leaders thrive. We realize that now, many congregations cannot afford a consultant to help them become healthier and stronger. In 2020, the...
NEW Individual and Group Coaching Packages
Are you searching for meaningful ways to use your leadership development dollars? Wanting to find help and support that is practical for the ever changing needs of your congregation? Has covid created a back up of the change you need to lead your congregation through,...
Can We “Resurrect” the Church?
By Anne Tambling It’s an interesting question. We all know the statistics on the state of the Church. Attendance is down. Giving is down. Churches are trying to find ways to attract younger adults as the next generation of leaders. In many a Sunday sermon, we hear of...
Webinar: A Layleaders Guide to Intentional Interim Ministry
Below, watch parts 1 and 2 of our recent webinar titled A Layleaders Guide to Intentional Interim Ministry, featuring Dr. Layne Smith, Anne Tambling, MDiv, and Rev. Dr. Marvin L. Morgan. Part 1: Part 2:...
Mystique of IIM
By Anne Tambling Churches are destined to change if they are going to survive. This can be a really uncomfortable truth, even though we all recognize the benefit of refining fire or pruning the branches; especially when they show up in our sermons. We just don’t face...
Innovative Incubator
We are excited to explore the unique possibilities that come with integrating technology in your ministry when we gather on May 17. We will focus on how to communicate with your congregation about the possibilities of integrating technology. We hope by crowd sourcing...