by Beth Kennett | Mar 9, 2021
THURSDAYS: APRIL 8 TO JUNE 10, 2021 | 3:30 PM ET/2:30 PM CT The first and last sessions will be two hours. All other weekly sessions will be 90 minutes. (Module One or prior coach training required.) Using the ICF Core Competencies, participants will learn how to use...
by Beth Kennett | Mar 9, 2021
TUESDAYS: APRIL 6 TO JUNE 8, 2021 | 6:30 PM ET/5:30 PM CT The first and last sessions will be two hours. All other weekly sessions will be 90 minutes. Participants will learn basic skills in coaching based on the International Coaching Federation* Core Competencies as...
by Beth Kennett | Feb 18, 2021
AIIM members are invited to a conversation on the first Thursday of each month at 11 am ET. When: Mar 4, 2021 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Discerning vitality and life in faith communities. Register in advance for this meeting:...
by Beth Kennett | Feb 18, 2021
Come join us for our Innovative Incubator Lab sponsored by the Center for Congregational Health. This will be a time to share space with other creatives and hopeful leaders of today’s church. You can share your big ideas of what could be possible, bounce ideas...
by Beth Kennett | Feb 18, 2021
Would you like to speak with a consultant or coach? We are living in unprecedented times that are creating new challenges for clergy and faith leaders. Because of these times, we are offering an opportunity to have a conversation with one of our exceptional...