November 9, 2016

by Beth Kennett Today, the Church—and any community that encourages belonging, love and acceptance—has an opportunity to boldly step into the present and lead the way into the future. Today, I embrace this idea more strongly than other days. Today, our nation, with...

Healthy Church Blog

This week I read a wonderful blog by Elizabeth Mangham Lott, Ode to an Imperfect Church.  It could be entitled “Ode to a healthy church.” Elizabeth’s writing is a gift to the reader and this blog, in particular, made me pause.  When I work with a...

Lenten Journey–Pray and Reflect

By Beth Kennett Over the past few weeks, I have been in settings that have been preparing me for my Lenten journey—teaching a class on Ministry Leadership and Coaching Skills, participating in a Coach Training Program, working alongside of a congregational renewal...