
  • Thu
    11:00 amVirtual

    A new semester of core curriculum begins with the first class on Thursday. February 6. Click here to register and learn more about the core curriculum, and electives, being offered this fall.

    We partner with Pinnacle Leadership Associates to offer Summit Coach Training to equip coaches who will guide others as they grow and stretch more fully to be who they are created to be. All classes will be offered in an online format and taught by credentialed coach practitioners. If you are interested in hosting an on-site class, contact us.

    Summit Coach Training courses are accredited by the International Coaching Federation* as a Level 1 training program.  These hours will, also, count as continuing coach education hours.

    * The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification, and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.

  • Thu
    2:00 - 4:00 pm (ET)Virtual

    This class will meet March 13, 20, April 3, 10, from 1 - 3 each day.

    Group coaching involves any group of individuals, whether they know one another and differ in their needs and ultimate aims. In group coaching, the focus is on the individual and the growth of the individual. The synergy of the group is used to support the individual group member. In this course we will explore practices in working with and coaching groups and with what groups you may be interested in engaging. We will function as a group and experience group coaching.

    Fee: $350. A deposit of $75 holds your spot. Remainder can be paid monthly.

    Requirement: Participant must have completed at least 16 hours of coach training.

    Register Now