Helping Congregations Thrive

The Center for Congregational Health has long had the mission to help congregations and clergy to thrive. In 2020, the center was awarded a million dollar grant by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. The work of this grant has changed over the course of these years. We have had...

Looking back at 2024…and leaning toward 2025

Throughout the month of December, in this space, we will be looking back at 2024 and pivoting toward 2025. This will allow us to remember and be grateful for the year that has passed and to anticipate and plan for the year to come.  We want you to be a part of this...

Tools for Clarifying Identity

Since our beginning, the Center for Congregational Health has worked with churches in transition.  We have trained clergy to be interim supply pastors, to be present with a congregation to fulfill pastoral responsibilities in the time between pastors; we have trained...