The conventional approach to problem-solving in business or church is to discover the root cause of a problem and to fix it. Appreciative Inquiry takes a radically different approach: Discover the root of cause of success and improve it. Problems are acknowledged in the process, but why spend so much energy on what’s not working when you can be spending creative and innovative energy on what is working?
The Center for Congregational Health is partnering with The Clergy Leadership Institute and Larry Glover-Wetherington, Coach and Intentional Interim pastor, to offer a webinar on the Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry. Rob Voyle is the principal trainer because we are tapping into his course. He has already developed the content and recordings. As Tutorial Facilitator, Larry Glover-Wetherington will be facilitating a weekly teleconference call with the class. Dr. Rob Voyle’s content is refreshing as it presents an Appreciative Inquiry approach to ministry that integrates spirituality and theology.
For info on the course and registration go to: